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Vitality Booth

Vitality Booth Plus single session

20 minutes

Halotherapy is also known as dry salt therapy. Dry pure grade sodium chloride is ground into very tiny micro-particles in a special machine called a Halogenerator. These dry salt micro-particles are then dispersed into the salt room.

Red light is absorbed by the skin, boosting collagen production & aiding skin conditions.

Near Infrared penetrates deeper aiding muscle recovery, cellular renewal and joint pain.

It is a holistic, drug free, natural therapy and promotes better breathing, healthier skin, sounder sleep, improved physical fitness, and over all wellness.
What is behind the science?

The Vitality Booth has roots in a NASA study that measured the effects of light waves on salt particles in the earths atmosphere.
The translucent, multi-sided salt crystals in our system work by refracting light, creating billions of micro-bursts of red light, making it the most powerful and effective red light therapy available worldwide.
During each session, red light waves energize and heat salt particles, enhancing their dryness and effectiveness beyond traditional halotherapy, offering a dual-benefit therapy unmatched in efficacy.

Patent#: USPTO US 11,819,515 B1

$25.00 Session

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